They had the following children:
M i James Samuel Madewell
Elizabeth Trudy Madewell [Parents]
Other marriages:
Davis, Loren Leo
They had the following children:
F i Alexandria Gayle Dill
Loren Leo Davis [Parents]
Elizabeth Trudy Madewell [Parents]
Other marriages:
Dill, Billy Don
They had the following children:
F i Lauren Ruthe Davis F ii Laney Raye Davis F iii Lezlie Elizabeth Davis
John Talen Fuller [Parents] was born 19 Apr 1889 in Arkansas. He died 10 Nov 1978 in Stigler, Haskell Co., OK and was buried in Keota Cemetery, Haskell Co., Keota, OK. John married Vesta Armenta Long on 26 Dec 1921 in Stigler, Haskell Co., OK.
Other marriages:
Vesta Armenta Long [Parents] was born 28 Feb 1900 in Oklahoma. She died 11 May 1943 and was buried in Keota Cemetery, Haskell Co., Keota, OK. Vesta married John Talen Fuller on 26 Dec 1921 in Stigler, Haskell Co., OK.
They had the following children:
M i Jack Fuller was born 4 Oct 1923. He died 12 Mar 1999 in Merced, CA. F ii Jewel Fuller F iii Pearly Parilee Fuller F iv Gracie Hurley Fuller M v Willie Fuller F vi Josie John Fuller M vii Rufus Allen Fuller F viii Bertie Mae Fuller F ix Gertie Faye Fuller F x J.T. Fuller M xi Raymond Ray Fuller F xii John Fuller
Isaac Garland Haney [Parents] was born 16 Jan 1901 in Howe, Leflore Co., Indian Territory. He died 6 Feb 1980 in Ft. Smith, Sebastion Co., Ark. Isaac married Lucinda Delia Elizabeth Wood on 6 Feb 1922.
Lucinda Delia Elizabeth Wood [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Sylvia Maggie Lee Haney M ii Chester Harold Haney F iii Lillie Bell Haney M iv Floyd Leon Haney F v Oda Damer Dean Haney F vi Violet Haney
Hester Haney married Martha Ann Weatherford.
Martha Ann Weatherford married Hester Haney.
They had the following children:
M i Isaac Garland Haney
John Langston Wood [Parents] was born 25 Nov 1877. He died 15 Nov 1943. John married Maggie Bell Kellogg on 8 Oct 1900 in Poteau, Indian Territory.
Maggie Bell Kellogg [Parents] was born 28 Jul 1880 in Hartford, Sebastian Co., AR. She died 15 Mar 1953. Maggie married John Langston Wood on 8 Oct 1900 in Poteau, Indian Territory.
They had the following children:
F i Lucinda Delia Elizabeth Wood F ii Alta Wood M iii Orbie Wood M iv Orville Wood
Larry Wayne Lane [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Michael Wayne Lane M ii David William Lane
James Harold Lane [Parents]
Glenda Jean Lane [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Tracy Scott McCullar F ii Tessa Renee' McCullar