Lucille Marie Ustler [Parents]
John Robert Humphery [Parents] was born 10 Feb 1877 in Cumberland Co., Kentucky. He died 19 Jun 1951 in Cumberland Co., Kentucky. John married Ora J. Long.
Other marriages:
Scott, Mattie Leola
Washington P. Humphery married Mary Alice Nunn.
Mary Alice Nunn married Washington P. Humphery.
They had the following children:
M i John Robert Humphery
Jim L. Decker was born 29 Sep 1912. He died 28 May 1991 in McCurtain, Haskell Co., OK. Jim married Gladys Pearl Lane on 24 Oct 1934.
Gladys Pearl Lane [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i George Franklin Decker M ii Jimmie Lee Decker F iii Gladys Pearl Decker F iv Edith Faye Decker F v Mary Ann Decker M vi Joseph William Decker M vii Floyd Wayne Decker F viii Thelma Ruth Decker
Stella Ann Lane [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Tommy Gorman
Edith Faye Decker [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Tim Bray M ii James Bray M iii Jerry Bray
Mary Ann Decker [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i William , Jr. Barnes F ii Lisa Barnes F iii Teresa Barnes F iv Paula Barnes M v Edward Barnes
Joseph William Decker [Parents]
Edna Cravens [Parents]
Other marriages:
Gill, Raborn
They had the following children:
M i Joesph Decker M ii Michael Decker
Floyd Wayne Decker [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Rhoda Decker M ii Tommy Decker M iii Floyd Wayne , Jr. Decker F iv Misty Nadine Decker
John Talen Fuller [Parents] was born 19 Apr 1889 in Arkansas. He died 10 Nov 1978 in Stigler, Haskell Co., OK and was buried in Keota Cemetery, Haskell Co., Keota, OK. John married Minnie.
Other marriages:
Long, Vesta Armenta
Minnie was born 22 Sep 1884. She died Apr 1967 in Haskell Co., Oklahoma. married John Talen Fuller.